Lightbox Photographic Gallery

"Tribe" - juried group exhibition at Lightbox Photographic Gallery by Claude Peschel Dutombe

"Tribe" - group exhibition at Lightbox Photographic Gallery, juried by Blue Mitchell.

"In this world with many species of earth’s creatures, the central group that binds us together and allows us to cope with our existence, is family. Our peers, cousins, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, friends, pets, neighbors and so on. Whatever central group we identify with or are connected to by blood, however small or large, our Tribe nourishes and protects. Our Tribe is central to our identity. We find comfort with our most intimate, supporting and loving group."


One family portrait from "Ayutthaya Heritage" is participating in this show.

View all selected work here.

PopUp Show #2 at Lightbox Photographic Gallery by Claude Peschel Dutombe

The second edition of PopUp Show at Lightbox Gallery was juried by Connie and Jerry Rosenthal of Rfotofolio and had the theme "Beauty Where You Find It."

One portrait from "Ayutthaya Heritage" has been included in this show.

View the gallery with all images here


"1st PopUp Show" at LightBox Photographic Gallery - Honorable Mention by Claude Peschel Dutombe

This is the first of a series of PopUp shows hosted by LightBox Photographic Gallery.
The group show is juried by the owners of the gallery, Michael and Chelsea Granger.


The picture "Over the Rainbow" received a Honorable Mention in this exhibition.

Here is the complete image gallery: