Artist statement
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #01
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #02
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #03
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #04
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #05
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #06
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #07
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #08
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #09
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #10
Artist statement
Artist statement

There are different interpretations of the term “Old Soul” around.

To me it describes a person that has accumulated wisdom and non-factual knowledge about life beyond the ordinary. Some say this level of wisdom has been collected through different circle of life and can be traced back through centuries.

Perhaps it describes someone that fits the term “been around for a while, seen it all” and that has the capability to process all these experiences on a rather philosophical level to a point that it is in an expressible format. May it be through plainspoken words, findings in science or expressions through an art form.

Often people with such qualities prefer to be in solitude or are described as loners; that does not conform to the social norms of society while their potential to contribute can be enormous.

The series “Tales of an Old Soul” is a visual story told by an imaginary Old Soul that has been through different periods and geographical locations.

Each picture stands for a separate part of the story that is only suggestive, leaving the viewer to its own imagination to fill in the gaps.

All pictures have elements of century old places representing the time travel this Old Soul may have passed through and at the same time providing the backdrop of various locations for the unfolding tale.

Like with any captivating story the listener should not insist on truthful facts to be told but rather go with the flow of events and characters appearing.

In these pictures the protagonist of the story only shows as a silhouette or an undisclosed shape of a person and is most probably the storyteller himself at some point of his journey.

o.....Tales of an Old Soul #01
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #01
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #02
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #02
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #03
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #03
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #04
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #04
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #05
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #05
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #06
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #06
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #07
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #07
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #08
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #08
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #09
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #09
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #10
o.....Tales of an Old Soul #10