Adam Finkelston

The Hand Magazine issue #13 - back cover by Claude Peschel Dutombe

"The Number 13 is a karmic number and is the number of upheaval so that new ground can be broken."

The HAND is bringing it's 13th issue and one piece from "Naraka, Buddhist Hell" is featured on the back cover.

"Holding hands" at one of the Naraka hell gardens during a shooting session.

"Holding hands" at one of the Naraka hell gardens during a shooting session.

The Hand Magazine issue #08 by Claude Peschel Dutombe

Love the personalized hand-drawn envelope of my copy of issue #08 from THE HAND magazine.

Labor of love at THE HAND.  


Rising Waters

"Rising Waters" is a piece that was created during the 2012 epic flood in Thailand I was caught up in.

It describes the antagonizing feeling of anticipating an inevitable disaster looming just ahead of you.